Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I want this...

Have you had a dream that consist of many intricate details that seemed larger than you? It was a sign, a vision, a dream or even a warning but where did it come from. Of course, it seemed unattainable because that was its desired purpose to be larger than you can accomplish on your own.  Understanding the obvious about your bills being due, no money in the bank, relationship issues, kids misbehaving and your job keeps sending letters about the recession weekly. Is there reasons to believe that you can do these very thoughts, dreams, or suggestions that were placed in your heart? Well, you believe that God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, but is he your all and all.


Singing, “I trust you!” By James Fortune and F.Y.R.E. really is that how you want the world to see you is as a liar because to trust God with the car repair (as long as you have the mechanic on speed dial/ on credit), the lack of money ( as long as you have a job), your husband is losing his mind (as long as he brings his check home)- Let’s be real with ourselves for a minute people. God is God! It doesn’t matter your circumstances or situations. Take the limits off of God so that you can receive all that He has for you and your life.  I often take “reflection days”. You know what I am talking about so don’t get brand new. I encourage everyone else and say, “When I look back over my life and all the things He has done for me my soul cries out Hallelujah!” But do we really? Ah, I beg to differ. God is a just God. If he did it for anyone else he will do it for me.


So what is it that I want: the business, the cars, the money, the marriage, and the world if I didn’t have to give it back. Selfishly having my hand out to receive but to give is another story. I want so much for you to see that it is about the decisions that you make to realize that God is in control of all things.

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