Friday, January 25, 2013


In Celebration on the 10 Year Anniversary for Thirty-One Gifts I am super excited to share the celebration with a free zipper pouch to one lucky blogger! This pouch is a $15 value and is perfect to organize everything from make-up to baby supplies in a self-contained, stylish fashion.

Thirty-One hit the direct sales scene in 2003 and began as a vision desiring to help virtuous women nationwide find financial peace while serving their families and churches. As a business we focus on the principals of the Proverbs 31 woman so respected in scripture. Our goal as a company is that each woman we touch is celebrated, encouraged, and rewarded while in our presence.

This home party plan is power packed with free and half price items for home party and catalog hostesses, as well as a dynamite compensation plan for our consultants. A business equally beneficial for the college student, new mom, hobby seeking empty nester, and busy commuter is sure to please those seeking its perks.

As I found Thirty-One by trying to help my cousin reach her goals within the business. I was VERY clear that I was not gonna be that direct sales lady. To be honest I didn't like myself much. I was in debt, over weight, felt like overwhelmed by teaching full time and raising two boys, and my marriage was on the rocks. The LAST thing I needed was to add direct sales to the mix right? Ladies the friendships, debt relief, and empowerment I found through my business has led me to place I never dreamed God had planned for me. I see a light at the end of the debt tunnel, my joy is back, and my ability to reach out and serve feels endless. God used Thirty-One to grant me the ability to find the woman he created again, and I am forever grateful. If you are interested in receiving a mini catalog, a phone chat, do a catalog party, or join my growing nationwide team enter this drawing! What do you have to lose?

Three years ago a $99 investment changed the lives of myself, and my children. There's something here for you!

Beth Wyatt, Independent Executive Director, Thirty-One Gifts

Friday, January 4, 2013

Now Recruiting Interns


Forward-thinking, fast paced company looking to hire an intern with strong knowledge and understanding of the digital media landscape, including various social media websites. Company is currently redesigning our website, and will soon launch a social media campaign. The intern hired for this position will need strong critical thinking skills in order to integrate... into our vibrant and passionate team who are very excited to share this exciting launch with an intern hoping to gain a ton of great online experience.

■Contribute to website redesign project in various ways
■Monitor and post on blogs, forums, and social networks
■Online outreach and promotion using Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more
■Website and social media optimizing


If you are seriously interested in this position please reply as soon as possible as I am looking for someone to start as soon as next week. I am looking for someone who would like to grow with me and as we grow so will the pay and hours. Please only serious interests in this opportunity need to apply. Put in the subject line "Social Media Intern" and include 1 paragraph detailing why you would be good for the position and your resume. Email The pay is once a month, but could change to bi-weekly eventually.

Marketing, Business, Communications

Thank you,
LaTracey Copeland

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Today's Mantra: GO!!!


The Lord had said to Abram, "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you. "I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you." (Genesis 12:1-3 NIV)

2012 is over and their is no need to look backwards but to walk forward into your destiny. The lessons, plans, dreams and visions that are in your heart should be implemented from this point on. I am grateful for this opportunity to be a blessing to you and your journey.  I ask that you take the time necessary to heal from past hurts to move on into your purpose. You are no longer stuck on purpose any longer.