Saturday, September 7, 2013

Balancing Act

Its been a while since we last connected and I know that it is partly my fault since I basically feel off the face of the earth after the baby was born but this picture explains a lot. Lets catch up a bit then I will tell you the great news, the good news and the bad news. Well as you know we were blessed with our bountiful bundle of blessings Purpose Angelique in December. Previously being a successful Work At Home Mother (WAHM), I felt like I had things under control. NOT!!! With the older girls being 10 and 14 now, I imagined that being mommy wouldn't be that difficult to maintain especially since I assist others to walk in their purpose on a daily bases.

I was widely mistaken by the concept that I could be a WAHM to a newborn as well as two preteens. Then to add to the pot; Preston and I decided to get married (with a huge ceremony by the way) in the Spring of 2013. Oh, the fun doesn't stop here because our 10 year old, Razaria, was acting and singing all over the United States. Traveling by vehicle with a baby for over 8 hours to stand in lines at the auditions with a hyper 10 year old while working virtually from these location was the most outlandish idea I could have come up with but NO; I decided to downsize and move to a smaller house in the middle of it all.

Living life with little to no sleep, being a newlywed, in a new home, juggling a business and family was the greatest until I found myself stopping to smell the flowers. Yes, as beautiful and sweet smelling they were realized that I wasn't giving quality to anyone or anything. Have you been there?
 I was miserable because I love my family; yet felt unsuccessful in all that was on my plate. BUT HOW? I had a brain tumor, survived cancer, a divorce, moving cross-country and more only to get to this place of emptiness. I coached others who where "Stuck on Purpose" but how could I truly be a successful coach, mother and wife if I were stuck myself?

Month and months have past and I truly thank my coaches and mentor, Tykesha Boone, MPH, CHES,CNC. Who walked hand and hand with me as I transitioned to this place of Perfecting Wellness As well as Denise Mock, "Go-to Girl for helping small businesses Both believers in God but also in me that no matter what transitions that I was facing that they wouldn't  give up on me nor allow myself to either. God handpicked these ladies just for me. Who would have thought that my madness brought them together as well.

So, nine months later I find myself using what "life experience" has taught me to continue on this "Journey to Purpose" ©WE Purpose 2013. ***Here is your first hint***

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them~Romans 8:28 NLT a scripture that I live by no matter how gloom things look. So, I come to you all refreshed, renewed and restored. Everyday isn't perfect and not ever load of washed, folded and put away but I can tell you that we love each other and have created a system for our household that works for us. Now on to the news! Which would you like to hear first? The great, the good or the not so good? 

Lets start here with the news updates: *On Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 7pm CST we will have a the unveiling of WE Purpose  please visit for more information. I know you are wondering about WE Purpose and what it truly means. Please subscribe and comment and tell me what you think. I'd love to reward you for your great suggestions.

That was the great news and please stay tuned to the good new and the not so good news in the next blog. It was great reconnecting with you all and to inform you of all the exciting things that have occurred in my life. Can't wait to see what the unveiling can do for you and your family. See you soon.